Thursday, September 29, 2005

Shariati on Iqbal (rh)

One Allaama's praise, of another (may He be pleased with them both).

Much has been writtn on Iqbal. In my opinion, this is the BEST writing in English on the legacy and stature of the subcontinental Tarjuman-al-Islam, famous for his Zoor-e-Bayan.

The poet-philosopher was most famous for his Urdu poem, "Shikwah" meaning Complaint. The ulemah of his time were irked by his contentions therein, and dared to pronounce Kufr on the poetry.

He then silenced his critics and takfeeri-mullah-enemies, with his "Jawaab-e-Shikwah", a poetic Response to his earlier complaints. And it inspired a huge chunk of the ummah to love Allah and His Messenger (saw).

Rasulullah (saw) related in a sound tradition:

"The learned are the Inheritors of the Prophets"

Many of our leading lights have passed into their graves. It is NOT a time for woe, misery or pessimism. It is a time for dutiful Diligence. UmmZ & Barika's recent blogposts highlight that we have so MUCH to be Thankful to Ash-Shakur-wal-Hakim, for.

May all of us CONTINUE to inherit generously. And may He inspire in our hearts, istiqama temperance and sincerity in our zeal for ilm & hikmah.


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