Friday, October 21, 2005

Remembering Badr

"We should ask ourselves, on this 17th of Ramadan - have I ever TRULY perspired a drop of sweat, for the sake of Allah?" - today's khutbah

The 17th of Ramadan marks the day of the Battle of Badr.

A moment when the earliest believers and the Chosen Messenger (saw) who led them were granted a poignant & crucial military victory so glorious & so unfathomable, given the sheer odds. When the 313 persecuted, hungry yet zealous and spiritually indomitable Companions of the Messenger of God (saw) were severely tested by our Lord - and fought like warrior poets, against the Quraish tribes who vastly outnumbered them.

60 of them were Muhajirs. The rest were Ansars. And they did not fight alone. God was indeed pleased and reinforced this humble batallion of faith with legions of Angels!

Those veterans of Badr, have a very high rank amongst all of the Companions themselves (may Allah be well pleased with them all). During the rule of Hz Umar (ra), the highest pensions were awarded to the Badriyeen from the Bait-ul-Maal.

O soldiers of Badr! We salute you, and we Love you. God forever be pleased with you all.

Ya Rabb ul Izzah! Bestow upon us the resolve and goodness they had.

More on Badr, below: (comprehensive history)

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful khutba question, & one to ponder on.
