Tuesday, October 04, 2005

“..the White Wizard, approaches..”

So said Legolas, the mystical elven warrior of Tolkein’s ‘The Two Towers’

As I read my earlier post, ‘Rajab, Ramadhan & Tolkein,’ I now realize that I'm forced to eat my words. Why do I say this?

Read what Imam Zaid Shakir says in his latest piece (http://www.zaytuna.org/articleDetails.asp?articleID=63#_ftn2):

Those who have failed to take advantage of the months of Rajab and Sha’ban to prepare for the blessed month of Ramadan should be especially careful to take full advantage of the latter month.

Reflect on Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali's words:

Harken! O you who was not content to sin throughout Rajab.
His rebellion against his Lord had to continue the duration of Sha’ban.

The month of fasting has now come to shade and shelter you,
Do not transform it also into a month of sinning.

Recite the Qur’an and glorify [God], with diligent assertion.

Indeed! It is a month for glorification and the Qur’an.

Deny your bodily appetites, seeking your soul’s salvation.
Eventually, the earth will consume the body.

How many deceased people have you known who fasted?Amongst your family, neighbors, and brothers.

Death has erased them, leaving you behind.

Get serious [about your religion], for the living are quite close to the dead!

You take delight in the ‘Eid outfits being cut out now for the festival.
But soon they will be your burial shrouds.

How long will the person be happy with his worldly home?
Knowing that his ultimate home is the grave

(Source: Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, Lata’if al-Ma’arif [The Subtleties of Knowledge], (Damascus: Dar Ibn Kathir, 1997/1416) p. 282.)

I humbly thank all of you who've made this blog possible & continue to visit and give me feedback. Please continue to do so, and don't be afraid to be harsh in your criticism. I welcome it.

And spare me a moment in your du'as to Him, because once again, this revert of a mushrik family will not be able to enjoy a full Ramadhan this year...

Ya Rabb ul Izzah - grant me Refuge and embrace me tightly...
And exalt and bless Rasulullah and his family, wives, zurriyat & ansars, for eternity...


  1. may all ur duas get answered in this month of ramadan! aameen
    dont worry bro.. hope ur ramadan goes well.. insha Allah.. leep me in ur duas too

  2. Ramadhan mubarik!! You are in my duas...I won't be able to fast either so am trying to come to terms with that.
