Sunday, October 09, 2005

Month of Blessings or Fitan?

Another Earthquake strikes. Qadr`ullahi wa masha`a fa`aala...

The BBC-World has been reporting on this non-stop over the past 24 hours, calling it "the South Asian Quake", since it's affected not only Pakistan, but neighboring India and Afghanistan as well. Delhi and Rajasthan, and Srinagar in particular, sustained serious damage.

Death and destruction is rampant in all three regions, but especially Pakistan, particularly the Muzaffarabad & Azad (also known as Pakistan-occupied) Kashmir region. As of Sunday morning, the BBC-World put out an estimate of 18,000 feared dead in Pakistan ALONE.

There is Fitan all over the world now. It's scary, especially that it's happening in the holiest of our Months. Not just the South Asian quake.

Not just the hurricanes’ Katrina/Rita (and now, Stan?) which has now reached saturation in our souls & media.

Not just the fact that worshippers in Iraq have to be extra careful a bomb doesn't go off in their masajid while they pray Tarawih.

Central America, now has major flooding, and many are dying & left homeless.

The CDC and WHO fear a real flu pandemic, that may kill tens of millions - and these are relatively conservative estimates. It’s rare that both of these agencies issue warnings simultaneously, and in alarmist fashion. There are already established human cases in China and Canada.

It is self-evident to anyone with an ounce of Iman & Khawf in their hearts, that all of this is a sign from al-Muntaqir, al-Sareeul`Hisab. (the Avenger, the Swift in Reckoning). When earthquakes strike, they come swiftly and take everything that is dear to us, away. All that we hoard up. The earth also shakes, because *she* is releasing her Burden, as Surah Zalzalah so clearly illustrates. What burden is this?

Our sins, and our ghaflah (heedlessness). Individual, familial, societal, regional, global.

Sh Nuh relates in an online lecture, that Imam Junaid al-Baghdadi (ra) once said:

Al-aarifoon are asleep..! wa`l-Jahiloon amwaat.

(the Knowers of God are asleep!...and the ignorant ones are DEAD).

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum.....awaken us from our dying slumber. Help us to defeat the dirty intrigues of our Selves.

Ya Allah - bring us back to LIFE (say Ameen with me, and MEAN it)


  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Amin, amin, amin ya Rabb.

    May Allah bless the souls of those whom we have lost and forgive their sins and grant them paradise, amin... and may Allah give patience to those who have survived and, for those who recline in our swirly chairs the sense to get our act together, amin.

    I'm so glad you are ok Abu D. I am also relieved that other friends are ok as well alhamdulillah.

    For decades the Pakistanis and Indians fought for the land and now the land has fought back at them.

    But I guess what I don't get is, while Earthquakes are believed to be as punishment for the transgressors -- then why have their been earthquakes in mostly Muslim countries such as Turkey, Indonesia, and Pakistan? Why have the poor and non-whites of New Orleans and Guatemala suffer?

    I'm not questioning, I'm just trying to figure out who are the transgressors are here.

  2. In response to the above comment:


    It is eerily prophetic and ominous the significance that the unfolding of recent events has on us as Muslims. Truly, we cannot deny the punctuality of such events in light of current politics, refugee crises, humanitarian upheavals(literally), and apathetic genocide, the world over.

    However, rather than pontificate the 'Who was How and What they Were, When our Lord Expressed His Fury' rhetoricals, we may insh'allah look at the Why's and Who's that WE embody. Work, to redeem our consistent failings as an Ummah and strive for self-improvement and rightly guided direction. Next Stop - Death and the Hereafter. Prepare your Travel documents. Make sure they are in Order. The Train may come at anytime.

    It was apt when you admitted your limitations in fully understanding the motive of Allah in wreaking havoc on, what appear to be, blameless, poverty stricken communities. But then, We aren't designed to 'get' it. The totality of the World "Muslim" population and 'Non-Whites' are as much responsible for their deeds as whites are.

    Remember that Allah may test us, when and how he chooses. And if it is death by disaster, then Alhamdulillah, Allah is truly the Ever Merciful. Here are virtually millions of opportunities presented to us in such a circumstance to expiate ourselves, to provide care and love to those more worthy of our own selfish comforts. To commiserate and stamp our duas with tears. To reflect on the beneficience with which health and happiness are gifted to us and the ingratitude we receive them with. To Repent on misused and squandered Mercies.

    A Muslim never suffers hardship, but that he is cleansed and purified of past indescretions. Remind yourself that there are worse things to be tested with(eg: Dajjal, the Day of Days).

    Astaghfir'Allahi Rabbi Min Kulli Zambin Wa'Atubu-Ilai. May Allah allow such tragedies to Unite us as a Community, to rally hope, love and forgiveness with each other perpetually, and to forge the frayed bonds of the long crippled Ummati. And to lift ourselves to be worthy of the majestic company of ALLAH Subhana Wa Ta'Lah in this Life and the Hereafter. Ameen.

  3. Well said, AbuU. Great comments. May Allah grant us tawfiq

  4. aameen. yes we should change ourselves atleast now. the number of dead ppl is estimated to be 40,000 + only in pakistan. please pray for the ones who are still stuck under the debris.
